Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC Reviews Complaints Customer Surveys - Electrical Contractor Murray Kentucky
Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC

Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC

Phone: (270) 759-0890

Address: 403 Memory Ln
Murray Kentucky 42071

Consumer Reviews and Business Report

United States Association of Electrical Contractors

Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC is Certified by USAEC and they have passed the requirements to become a member of USAEC and a member in good standing.

Claim Your Business Here!

Gallimore Electrical Contractors (GEC) is a trusted electrical services provider based in Murray, Kentucky, serving commercial, residential, and industrial clients across West Kentucky and East Tennessee. With over 17 years of experience, our team of skilled electricians is dedicated to delivering efficient and reliable solutions for all your wiring, data, and cabling needs.Our Services Include:Electrical Installations and Upgrades: Expert installation and upgrading of electrical systems to meet modern standards and enhance safety.Surveillance Equipment Installation: Setting up advanced security systems to protect your property and assets.Access Control Systems: Implementing secure access solutions to manage and monitor entry to your premises.Thermal Screening Services: Providing thermal screening solutions to help maintain health and safety protocols.Our commitment to excellence has been recognized with accolades such as the 2017 Business of the Year award and being voted "Favorite Electrician" in 2018 and 2019. We prioritize customer satisfaction by ensuring prompt, professional, and honest service in every project we undertake.At GEC, we also take health and safety seriously. We adhere to best practices to prevent the spread of COVID-19, including regular temperature checks, providing face masks to all employees, and equipping service trucks with hand sanitizers.

If you have had a positive experience with Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC, please use the green "Submit a Positive Review" button below to submit a review about Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC.

Any positive reviews previously submitted about Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC will appear here.

If no positive reviews are shown, then no reviews are currently on file. Submitting a positive review will help us to increase the review score of a business.

Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC USAEC Customer Reviews Score: 94

Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC is a member of USAEC. The review score is a weighted formula based on the amount of positive customer reviews submitted through our website, customer surveys from and negative reviews. We keep negative reviews private, but they are saved on file to assist with customer complaint resolution and they are counted in the company's review score.


Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC
Website Security Scan Results

Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC

scanned by USAEC annually and their website has passed our security evaluation. Scans are only done annually and malware can be added without their knowledge at any time, if you have any doubt, please contact them directly by phone.


The information below was
partially supplied by James Gallimore

Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC - Murray Kentucky

Gallimore Electrical Contractor LLC appears to hold a valid license. You may search for their company by name on the county license website.

The information contained in the report may be inaccurate or outdated and no information contained in this report should be treated as fact as we are unable to verify information on a daily basis.

The company's last known address was
403 Memory Ln Murray Kentucky

Information provided about the background and services of this company are offered as a courtesy only and the information has not been verified.

USAEC assumes no liability for accuracy of this information. We urge you to verify all information information. Reviews are left by third parties.